Hi! I'm Hanâ.

full-stack software engineer.



A pet on the BitBuddy website


Oct 2022 ∙ GitHubLive

  • Python
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Flask
  • Tailwind CSS

Full-stack web app.

A virtual pet app inspired by digital pet games from the early/mid 2000s, but with a modern twist: AI.

A terminal window with text from The Spectacular Space Adventure

The Spectacular Space Adventure

Jan 2022 ∙ GitHub

  • Python
  • CLI

Command line game written in Python.

Make your way through space as you attempt to meet up with your friend on another planet.

Placeholder image with the text 'tbd'

My next project

Coming soon

  • TBD

Check back later to see what's next!
